Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Miss Management

Good point. She's good at a number of things, but successful management is not among them. In fact, I was just reading about how far into debt she still is due to her presidential campaign.

Does anyone else find it odd that a multi-millionaire could be so much in debt, and be permitted to carry that type of debt for that long? It's not like a credit card bill. I'm surprised there aren't more rules about paying for your campaign.

Speaking of rules and campaigns, I'm sure you saw The Daily Show's piece on the Georgia Senate Race. In addition to being hilarious and scoring major point for referencing Charlie Daniels, it highlighted Georgia's...let's say "unique" rules regarding elections. I'm not sure if I agree with the requirements.

Is a win not a win if you get only 49% rather than 51%? If I gave a crap about the GOP candidate winning, I'd be pretty peeved. Now a guy who finished 5% points back gets another crack at it, and heavyweights like Bill Clinton are lining up behind him because the major elections are over and frankly, they have nothing better to do.

Granted McCain is campaigning on the other side, but I find the whole thing to be in need of an overhaul.

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