Friday, November 14, 2008

Joe the Dumber

First- the widget issue.

Add a "picture" widget. Get a picture of whomever you wish to put "on notice". Caption the picture "on notice". Problem solved.

We could also add a text widget and have our own version of "the word", but that's another story.

On to Joe.

As we all know I'm a litt more punitive than you. Not because I'm mean-spirited or vindictive (although those things may be true) but because I am a firm believer that actions should have consequences.

Like you, I didn't have a problem with Leibs endrosing fact, I wish more politicians would endorse candidates they believe in rather than always rigidly adhering to party lines. But like you, I think he went too far. Far too far.

Political parties are like clubs, and there are certain requirements for membership. While those requirements are somewhat fungible, Leiberman's actions broke the club rules and should result in some changes.

1. I would indeed remove him from his chairmanships. You can't have someone in a leadership role who doesn't uphold the party's ideals. It sets a bad example. However the Dems need to frame this change the right way. Leiberman needs to understand that it's not pure retaliatory. He has to understand that while he's free as a man to do what he thinks is best, his attempt to undermine the goals of the party have shown that he's not fit to lead that party in any form.

2. I would not kick him out of the caucus. And I would not necessarily put any restrictions on his future voting habits, etc. But I would make it very clear that if no longer wishes to be a Democrat, he should take the opportunity to leave now. If he decides to stay, then said decision should require a certain...attitude adjustment.

3. I would do only the minimum to support any future re-election bid he might launch. Again, if I'm the party, I'm going to use my resources on people that share the party's ideals.

I wouldn't be taking these actions as a deterrent or punishment. I'd be taking them because in my opinion, it's the right thing to do for the party.

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