Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bitch is the new Black

At some point during the primary campaign, Tina Fey returned to her news anchor desk to deliver a hilarious monlogue regarding Hillary Clinton with the subject being, "bitch is the new black." This was followed up a week or two later by a great Tracy Morgan return to the show in which he stated, and I'm paraphrasing, "bitch may be the new black, but black is the new president bitch." I don't really have much of a point to mentioning these skits, I just thought they were really funny and they are tangentially related to my current point, which is . . .

What do you all think of this Hillary Clinton potentially as SoS development. I thought this might be an area of disagreement amongst us as I supported Obama from day 1, but never had any hate for Hillary Clinton (her campaign tactics at times are a different story), Matt, on the other hand, does not care for Clinton shall we say, while Richard intended to vote for Hillary in the VA primary but disenfranchised himself (to my great pleasure) by going to the wrong polling place.

I actually think that on the substance of it, this makes a lot of sense. She's clearly a very smart person who works hard at whatever it is she does, and further, her alleged "experience" that prepared her to be President actually has some relevance to the job of SoS. She knows many and perhaps most of these world leaders that she'd be tasked with interacting with personally. Given that interacting with foreign leaders is pretty much the definition of the SoS's job, that's a useful thing. Further, from a cravenly political point of view, she'd have nothing to gain by doing anything but her best to carry out Obama's agenda as SoS (as opposed to in the Senate where she'd be tempted to carry out her own agenda) and it's also better to have people who might be antagonistic to you at times inside the camp pissing out rather than outside the camp pissing in so to speak. This might also fit in with obama's desire to have a "team of rivals" in his cabinet (a phrase, by the way, that I'm thinking about putting "on notice" except that our current setup only allows 1 thing at a time to be on notice. There's got to be a better way.) Anyway, what do you all think?

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