Thursday, November 13, 2008

I'm Sorry...What?!

"There was nothing mean-spirited -- there was no negative campaigning when I called Barack Obama out on his associations."

Now during the campaign, I had serious misgivings about you Mrs. Palin. When you couldn't name a single publication from which you receive your news updates, I was surprised. When you were unable to articulate your understanding of key political issues, I was concerned. When you responded to a written report by claiming it said the near opposite of what it actually said, I was a little bit sick. In my mouth. And when you became a hyper-partisan attack dog whose apparent sole purpose was to carry out smear efforts, I reached my limit and changed the channel.

So forgive me, but I have to question your soundness of mind. Do you know who you are? Do you remember what you've been saying for the past 4 months or so?

Are you admitting, albeit in a backhanded and secretive way, that you realize your efforts on the McCain campaign and the "information" you attempted to disseminate were fraudulent? Are you merely the world's worst bandwagon jumper? Or are are you having some sort of psychotic break?

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